Monday, July 28, 2014

When Symptoms Collide...

Well it has been a long 3 days. I ended up with severe chest pain and pain when breathing that lasted an hour. Numbness in my hands and feet...pain in my arm/back. SCARY. We went to the ER when it didn't go away for a full 40 minutes. The EKG was negative for heart attack and I'm doubtful this is a result of my diet as I had some similar pain previously before the diet.

I am concerned that the doctor I see today will have trouble with all the symptoms I've had. I'm all over the place. It's a lot like fishing for a minnow in a lake full of trout. OR something like that. I have no idea if my GI symptoms are connected to my chest pain. *SIGH*

I wanted very much to return to my doctor I saw in the past, but the ER said GO MONDAY. So of course, my favorite doctor happens to be everyone's favorite doctor and takes 2 months to see. So I will see a resident. I know that God has a good plan and my instinct is to go to this office and get myself back in their records. I also set up an appointment with my doctor for September. That way if nothing changes I have an appointment scheduled.

Emotionally I have been ready to drop the diet with the chest pain, fatigue and heart palpitations. I just want comfort food. I have been *good* in that area. Still sticking to it. I can't tell what is die-off and what is a result of my trip to the ER.

If you read this say a quick prayer they figure out SOMETHING. So far no one seems to know why I have these symptoms. There are 2 doctors I've seen and this will be the 3rd. The 1st one said appendix-antibiotics...the ER doc disagreed with him and thought maybe I misheard him. HUH? Like I would mishear your appendix might burst...really. That kind of bothered me. I know doctors are well trained but if my hearing is okay why can't she trust I am telling her the truth. So hopefully, after this, we can sift through all of my symptoms and figure out why I'm having this arm/neck/leg pain and chest stuff. I really think they are unconnected to my GI stuff. Different things that are both attacking at the same time.

In His Mercy,

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